Articles, Chapters and Reports

Articles, Chapters and Reports

Note:This page can only show 10 publications per year. If you are looking for a publication in a given year that is not here, please click on the year below, and it will offer you several pages with all of our publications for that year.


“Marriage is Necessary:” how accessing infrastructure through the family farm affects viability, transitions, and justice

Isaac Sohn Leslie, Alexa Wilhelm, Analena Bruce | July 12, 2024 |

Agriculture and Human Values

Agroecology in the belly of the beast: Reflections and contradictions from the U.S. Agroecology Summit 2023

Horner, C., M. Caswell, C. Anderson, V.E. Méndez, and J. Anderzén | May 28, 2024 |

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 13 (3): 1–6.

Acción colectiva para La transición agroecológica en el altiplano Boliviano

Carrasco Torrontegui, Amaya, María Quispe, Renato Pardo, Maya Apaza, Roly Cota, Carlos Andrés Gallegos Riofrío, Gabriela Bucini, Colin Anderson, Martha Caswell, y Ernesto Méndez | June 15, 2024 |

Mundos Plurales – Revista Latinoamericana De Políticas Y Acción Pública 11 (1):49-84.

Knowledge democratization approaches for food systems transformation

Brock, Samara, Lauren Baker, Amanda Jekums, Faris Ahmed, Margarita Fernandez, Maywa Montenegro de Wit, Francisco J. Rosado-May, V. Ernesto Méndez, Colin R. Anderson, Fabrice DeClerck, Molly D. Anderson, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Brendan Hoare, Hannah Wittman, Amaury Peeters, Peter Gubbels, Cerasela Stancu, Stéphane Bellon, Jonathan G. Lundgren, Swati Renduchintala, Vijay Thallam, Jane Maland Cady, and Paul Rogé | May 9, 2024 | Download Attachment

Nature Food. DOI: 10.1038/s43016-024-00966-3.

An analysis of the adoption of the “system of rice intensification” (SRI): why a homegrown technique has yet to take seed among rice farmers in Madagascar

Maya Moore, Kimmerling Razafindrina, V. Ernesto Méndez & Meredith T.Niles | March 6, 2024 | Download Attachment

Cogent Food & Agriculture 2024, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2319932


Social Mycorrhiza: The Social Infrastructure of Agroecological Farming Economies

Isaac Sohn Leslie | November 9, 2023 |

Environmental Sociology, 10(1), 42–54.

Surveying Queer Farmers: How heteropatriarchy affects farm viability and farmer well-being in U.S. agriculture

Michaela Hoffelmeyer, Jaclyn Wypler, Isaac Sohn Leslie | April 27, 2023 |

Qualitative studies have begun demonstrating how heteropatriarchy negatively affects queer farmer well-being and farm viability. However, quantita­tive surveys of farmers rarely ask questions about gender identity and sexual orientation, precluding analyses that could connect farmers’ experiences to their queerness or to heteropatriarchy more broadly. In this article, we present data from one of the first surveys of U.S. queer farmers.

Agroecology: A Transformative Opportunity for Biodiversity and the Rio Conventions

Biovision Foundation; Food Policy Forum for Change; Global Alliance for the Future of Food; Institute for Agroecology, University of Vermont; UNESCO Chair on Food Biodiversity, and Sustainability Studies; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; Third World Network; IPES-Food; Latin American Scientific Society for Agroecology (2023). Agroecology: A Transformative Opportunity for Biodiversity and the Rio Conventions.

Critical and equity-oriented pedagogical innovations in sustainable food systems education

Valley, W., Ahmed, S., Grossman, J., Jordan, N. R., Meek, D., McCune, N., Parr, D., eds. (2023). Critical and equity-oriented pedagogical innovations in sustainable food systems education. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-2299-8

The role of farmer networks in supporting adaptive capacity: Opening the door for innovation and transformation in the Northeastern United States

White, A., J. W. Faulkner, M.T. Niles, D. Conner, & V.E. Mendez | August 10, 2023 |

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1): 00039.


Anderson, C.R., Lamine, C. and M. Caswell | Download Attachment

Anderson, C.R., Lamine, C. and M. Caswell. Agroecology. (2023). Elgar Encyclopedia of Food and Society. Accepted, in production.

“A shared human endeavor”: farmer participation and knowledge co-production in agroecological research

Chris Maughan and Colin Anderson |

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1162658


LGBTQ+ Food Insufficiency in New England

Isaac Sohn Leslie, Jessica Carson, and Analena Bruce | December 9, 2022 | Download Attachment

Agric Hum Values 40, 1039–1054 (2023).

Agroecology: A transformative opportunity for the Convention on Biological Diversity

December 5, 2022 | Download Attachment

Policy Brief. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC)/Biovision/Global Alliance for the Future of Food/Agropolis Fondation/Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy/Food Policy Forum for Change/Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR)/African Centre for Biodiversity/Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems/Cultivate!/EcoNexus/UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity and Sustainability Studies/IPES Food/Third World Network (TWN)/African Biodiversity Network/Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA)/Friends … Continue reading “Agroecology: A transformative opportunity for the Convention on Biological Diversity”

Tradeoffs of a rising agroecological practice: addressing uncertainty around tarping with participatory action research and mixed methods

Kinnebrew, E., C.K. Molander, S. Wilcox Warren, C.E. Horner, V.M. Izzo, S.A. Lewins, R. Maden, G.L. Galford and V.E. Méndez | November 21, 2022 |

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 10.1080/21683565.2022.21462541-27.

Agroecology: Leading the transformation to a just and sustainable food system

Gliessman, S.R., V.E. Méndez, V.M. Izzo and E.W. Engles | September 30, 2022 |

4th Edition. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton, FL.

Toward Food Sovereignty: Transformative Agroecology and Participatory Action Research With Coffee Smallholder Cooperatives in Mexico and Nicaragua

Guzmán Luna A, Bacon CM, Méndez VE, Flores Gómez ME, Anderzén J, Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho M, Hernández Jonapá R, Rivas M, Duarte Canales HA and Benavides González ÁN | August 18, 2022 | Download Attachment

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6:810840. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.810840

Terraces and ancestral knowledge in an Andean agroecosystem: a call for inclusiveness in planetary health action

C.A. Gallegos-Riofrio, A. Carrasco-Torrontegui, L.A. Riofrio, W.F. Waters, L.L. Iannotti, M. Pintag, M. Caranqui, G. Ludeña-Maruri, J.N. Burneo & V.E. Méndez | June 1, 2022 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 46 (6): 842-876, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2022.2079040

“How can you put a price on the environment?” Farmer perspectives on stewardship and payment for ecosystem services

White, A.C., J.W. Faulkner, D.S. Conner, VE Méndez & M.T. Niles | May 1, 2022 |

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 77(3): 270-283 DOI:

An Undergraduate Agroecology Research Fellows Program Engages Co-learning Through Participatory Action Research

Nordstrom, K.L., C.E. Horner, V.E. Méndez, V. Izzo, N. Carpenter, J.W. Faulkner and M. Caswell | January 25, 2022 |

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.760995


Pensamiento Latinoamericano Agroecológico: the emergence of critical Latin American agroecology?

Rosset, P., Barbosa, L., Val V., and McCune, N. (2021). Pensamiento Latinoamericano Agroecológico: the emergence of critical Latin American agroecology? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 45(1), 42-64

Agroecología y sistemas complejos: Planteamientos epistémicos, casos de estudio y enfoques metodológicos

McCune, N., Luna, Y., Vandermeer, J., and Perfecto, I. (2021). Cuestiones agrarias y transiciones agroecológicas. In: Benı́tez, Mariana, Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez, and Luis Garcı́a-Barrios (eds.), Agroecología y sistemas complejos: Planteamientos epistémicos, casos de estudio y enfoques metodológicos. Mexico: CopIt ArXives ISBN: 978-1-938128-24-0

Critical Latin American agroecology as a regionalism from below

Rosset, P., Val V., Barbosa L., and McCune, N. (2021). Critical Latin American agroecology as a regionalism from below. Globalizations, 1-18.

The Information Landscape: What We Know (and Don’t Know) About Smallholder Coffee Producers

Anderzén, J. and V.E. Méndez | December 8, 2021 |

25 Magazine (Specialty Coffee Association). Issue 16.

State of the smallholder coffee farmer: An initiative towards a more equitable and democratic information landscape

Anderzén, J., V.E. Méndez, M. Griffeth, C. McHugh, C. Gilman, C. Barahona & R. Peyser | November 15, 2021 |

Research Report. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC), University of Vermont/Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD)/Heifer International/Lutheran World Relief (LWR). Report is available in both English and Spanish.

Shifting funding to agroecology for people, climate and nature

Colin R. Anderson and Janneke Bruil | November 30, 2021 |

ACTION AID/Cultivate!/Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC)

Cultivating Pedagogy for Transformative Learning: A Decade of Undergraduate Agroecology Education

Horner, C.E., C. Morse, N. Carpenter, K.L. Nordstrom, J.W. Faulkner, T. Mares, E. Kinnebrew, M. Caswell, V. Izzo, V.E. Méndez, S.A. Lewins and N. McCune | November 23, 2021 |

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (412): 10.3389/fsufs.2021.751115

Co-creation of knowledge in agroecology

Alisha Utter, Alissa White, V. Ernesto Méndez and Katlyn Morris | November 9, 2021 |

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9 (1): 10.1525/elementa.2021.00026.

‘The Innovation Imperative’: the struggle over agroecology in the international food policy arena

Anderson, C.R. and C. Maughan | February 18, 2021 |

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.


Pimbert, M.P., Anderson, C.R., Moeller, N., Singh, J. | August 31, 2021 | Download Attachment

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology

Measuring the supply of ecosystem services from alternative soil & nutrient management practices: a transdisciplinary, field-scale approach

White, A., J. Faulkner, D. Conner, M. Niles, L. Barbieri, V.E. Méndez & E.C. Adair | September 20, 2021 |

Sustainability 13(18) DOI: 10.3390/su131810303. Download:

Building agroecology with people. Challenges of participatory methods to deepen on the agroecological transition in different contexts

López-García, D., Cuéllar-Padilla, M., de Azevedo Olival, A., Laranjeira, N. P., Méndez, V. E., Peredo y Parada, S., . . . Tendero-Acín, G. | Download Attachment

Journal of Rural Studies 83: 257-267. doi:

AgroecologyNow! Transformations for a More Just and Sustainable Food Systems

Anderson, C.R., Bruil, J., Chappell, J., Kiss, C., Pimbert, M.P. | January 1, 2021 |


Agroecological transformations in urban contexts: transdisciplinary research frameworks and participatory approaches in Burlington, Vermont

Caswell, M., V.E. Ménde, M.A. Juncos-Gutier, R.K. Gould, S. Hurley, D. Márquez Sánchez, S. Lewis | Download Attachment

Pp. 299-320. In M. Egerer and H. Cohen (eds) Urban Agroecology: Interdisciplinary research and future directions. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.

Awareness of climate change’s impacts and motivation to adapt are not enough to drive action: A look of Puerto Rican farmers after Hurricane Maria

Rodríguez-Cruz L.A., Niles M.T. |

PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244512. 10.1371/journal.pone.0244512

Amplifying Agroecology in Vermont: Principles and Processes to Foster Food Systems Sustainability

Martha Caswell, Rebecca Maden, Nils McCune, V. Ernesto Méndez, Gabriela Bucini, Janica Anderzén, Victor Izzo, Stephanie E. Hurley, Rachelle K. Gould, Joshua Faulkner, María A. Juncos-Gautier |

Recommended citation: Caswell, M., R. Maden, N. McCune, V.E. Méndez, G. Bucini, J. Anderzén, V. Izzo, S.E. Hurley, R.K. Gould, J. Faulkner & M.A. Juncos-Gautier (2021) Amplifying Agroecology in Vermont: Principles and Processes to Foster Food Systems Sustainability. White Paper. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative. University of Vermont: Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.

The evolving landscape of agroecological research

Mason R., A. White, G. Bucini, J. Anderzén, V.E. Méndez & S.C. Merrill | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 45: in press


Agroecología y Medios de vida en los sistemas de café globales. Fincas diversas y multifuncionales como claves para la sustentabilidad

Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative & the Gund Institute for Environment | Download Attachment

Agroecología y Medios de vida en los sistemas de café globales. Fincas diversas y multifuncionales como claves para la sustentabilidad. 2020. Research Brief. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative & the Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont.

Agroecology and livelihoods in global coffee systems: Diverse, multifunctional farms key to sustainability

Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative & the Gund Institute for Environment | Download Attachment

Agroecology and livelihoods in global coffee systems. Diverse, multifunctional farms key to sustainability. 2020. Research Brief. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative & the Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont.

VEPART leek moth research update

Izzo, V. & S. Lewins | Download Attachment

Izzo, V. & S. Lewins (2020) VEPART leek moth research update. ALC Research Brief #7. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC). University of Vermont: Burlington, VT

Social-psychological determinants of farmer intention to adopt nutrient best management practices: Implications for resilient adaptation to climate change

Doran, E., A. Zia, S. Hurley, Y. Tsai, C. Koliba, E.C. Adair, R. Schattman, D. Rizzo & V.E. Méndez |

Journal of Environmental Management 276: 111304.

Effects of on-farm diversification strategies on smallholder coffee farmer food security and income sufficiency in Chiapas, Mexico

Anderzén J., Guzmán Luna A., Luna-González D.V., Merrill S.C., Caswell M., Méndez V.E., Hernández Jonapá R., Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho M. | Download Attachment

Journal of Rural Studies 77:33-46. DOI:

Reflexiones y acciones de mujeres de la Red de Agricultores Investigadores de Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Más allá de la reproducción, los cuidados y la alimentación


(2020) LEISA Revista de Agroecología 36(1):35-38


Agroecology and La Via Campesina II. Peasant agroecology schools and the formation of a sociohistorical and political subject

Rosset, P., Val, V., Barbosa, L., and McCune, N. (2019). Agroecology and La Via Campesina II. Peasant agroecology schools and the formation of a sociohistorical and political subject. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 43(7-8): 895-914.

Can the State Take Agroecology to Scale?

Giraldo, O. and McCune, N. (2019). Can the State Take Agroecology to Scale? Journal of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43 (7-8) 785-809. DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1585402

Peasant balances and agroecological scaling in Puerto Rican coffee farming: Crisis, coffee, and agroecological scaling in Puerto Rico

McCune, N.M., Perfecto, I., Avilés-Vázquez, K., Vázquez-Negrón, J., Vandermeer, J. (2019). Peasant balances and agroecological scaling in Puerto Rican coffee farming: Crisis, coffee, and agroecological scaling in Puerto Rico. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43 (7-8): 810-826.

VEPART Leek Moth Research Update

Izzo, V. and S. Lewins. | Download Attachment

ALC Research Brief #6. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Agrobiodiversidad y agroecología: De la mano hacia sistemas agroalimentarios más ecológicos y justos

V. Ernesto Méndez & Rigoberto Hernández Jonapá | Download Attachment

LEISA Revista de Agroecología 35(2):16-17

Now I See: Photovisualization to Support Agricultural Climate Adaptation

Rachel E. Schattman, Stephanie Hurley & Martha Caswell | January 10, 2019 |

Society & Natural Resources: 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2018.1530819. Open access:


The Stories Behind the Certification: Perspectives from Fair Trade Coffee Producers. Policy Brief #2.

Caswell, M., and J. Anderzén. | Download Attachment

Caswell, M., and J. Anderzén. 2018. Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC), University of Vermont. *PDF features English and Spanish version

Agroecología e Investigación-Acción Participativa (IAP): Principios y Lecciones de Centroamérica

V. Ernesto Méndez, Martha Caswell, Stephen R. Gliessman, Rose Cohen & Heather Putnam | July 10, 2019 | Download Attachment

Agroecología 13 (1):81-98. Open access/Acceso abierto:

Integrating agroecology and participatory action research (PAR): principles and characteristics

V. Ernesto Méndez, Martha Caswell, Stephen R. Gliessman & Rose Cohen | August 16, 2018 | Download Attachment

Cadernos de Agroecologia 13 (1) Anais do VI Congresso Latino-americano de Agroecologia; X Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia; V Seminário de Agroecologia do Distrito Federal e Entorno; 12 a 15 de setembro de 2017, Brasília/DF

Subsistence under the canopy: Agrobiodiversity’s contributions to food and nutrition security amongst coffee communities in Chiapas, Mexico

Margarita Fernandez and V. Ernesto Méndez | November 15, 2018 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems:1-23. DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2018.1530326.

Use and perceptions of alternative economic activities among smallholder coffee farmers in Huehuetenango and El Quiché departments in Guatemala

Gerlicz, A., V.E. Méndez, D. Conner, D. Baker and D. Christel | October 18, 2018 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2018.1532480

Report of the 2017-2018 New England Adaptation Survey for Vegetable and Fruit Growers

White, A., Faulkner, J., Sims, S., Tucker, P., & Weatherhogg, K. | October 18, 2018 |

Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont. Burlington, VT. Download:

Origin of Pest Lineages of the Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).

Izzo V.M., Chen Y.H., Schoville S.D., Wang C., Hawthorne D.J. | January 15, 2018 |

Journal of Economic Entomology. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tox367.

Agroecology in Canada: Towards an integration of agroecological practice, movement, and science

Isaac M., Isakson S., Dale B., Levkoe C., Hargreaves S., Méndez V.E., Wittman H., Hammelman C., Langill J., Martin A., Nelson E., Ekers M., Borden K., Gagliardi S., Buchanan S., Archibald S., Gálvez Ciani A. | September 15, 2018 |

Sustainability 10:3299. Open access:

Harnessing local strength for sustainable coffee value chains in India and Nicaragua: reevaluating certification to global sustainability standards

Mithöfer, D., V.E. Méndez, A. Bose, P. Vaast | April 25, 2018 |

International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13 (1): 471-496

A mixed methods approach to understanding farmer and technical service provider perceptions of climate change and adaptation in Vermont, United States

Schattman, R.E., V.E. Méndez, S.C. Merrill & A. Zia | January 1, 2018 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42(2)121-148.


Integrating Agroecology and Participatory Action Research (PAR): Lessons from Central America

Méndez, V.E., M. Caswell, S.R. Gliessman and R. Cohen | Download Attachment

Sustainability 9(5): 705. link:


Agroecology: a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen and S.R. Gliessman (Eds) | September 28, 2016 |

Invited book for the Advances in Agroecology Series. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

New pathways to sustainability in agroecological systems.

Salvador, R.J. & V.E.Méndez (Guest Editors) | September 10, 2015 |

Elementa: science of the Anthropocene, Sustainability Transitions Domain [Open Access].

Assessing resilience in coffee-dependent communities of Honduras, Nicaragua and Haiti

Caswell, M., V.E. Méndez, J. Hayden, J. Anderzén, P. Merritt, A. Cruz, V. Izzo, S. Castro, J. Wiegel, A. Ospina and M. Fernandez | September 7, 2016 |

ARLG/LWR Research Brief #5. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont & Lutheran World Relief (LWR).

Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica

Hethcote, L., M. van Zonneveld , W. Solano, V.E. Méndez and N. Vasquez | April 14, 2016 |

Farming Matters. April: 14-17.

Assessing resilience in coffee-dependent communities of Honduras, Nicaragua and Haiti

Caswell, M., V.E. Méndez, J. Hayden, J. Anderzén, A. Cruz, P. Merritt, V. Izzo, S. Castro and M. Fernandez | December 31, 2016 | Download Attachment

Research Report. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont. Burlington, VT, U.S.A.

Análisis de la resiliencia en las comunidades dependientes del café en Honduras, Nicaragua y Haití

Caswell, M., V.E. Méndez, J. Hayden, J. Anderzén, P. Merritt, A. Cruz, V. Izzo, S. Castro, J. Wiegel, A. Ospina and M. Fernandez | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont & Lutheran World Relief (LWR). Informe de Investigación ARLG/LWR #5.

Agroecology, food sovereignty and urban agriculture in the U.S.

Fernandez, M., V.E. Méndez, T. Mares & R. Schattman | Download Attachment

In V.E. Méndez, C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen & S.R. Gliessman (eds) Agroecology: a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach. Advances in Agroecology Series. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.

Introduction: agroecology as a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon and R. Cohen | Download Attachment

In V.E. Méndez, C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen & S.R. Gliessman (eds) Agroecology: a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach. Advances in Agroecology Series. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.

California’s drought as opportunity: Redesigning agriculture for a changing climate

Morris, K.S. and G. Bucini |

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4: 000142. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000142

Agroecology and climate change resilience in smallholder coffee agroecosystems of Central America

Morris, K.S., V.E. Méndez, M. Van Zonneveld , A. Gerlicz and M. Caswell | Download Attachment

ARLG Research Brief #4. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG). Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.

Agroecology: a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach.

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen and S.R. Gliessman (Eds.) |

Advances in Agroecology Series. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis. Publisher’s web page. Read a recent Book Review by Molly Anderson, Professor at Middlebury College, in the journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.

Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica.

Hethcote, L., M. van Zonneveld , W. Solano, V.E. Méndez and N. Vasquez |

Farming Matters, April: 14-17

Farmer perceptions of climate change risk and associated on-farm management strategies in Vermont, Northeastern United States.

Schattman, R.E., D. Conner and V.E. Méndez |

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4: 000131.doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000131


New pathways to sustainability in agroecological systems.

Salvador, R.J. & V.E.Méndez (Guest Editors) | September 10, 2015 |

Elementa: science of the Anthropocene, Sustainability Transitions Domain [Open Access].

New pathways to sustainability in agroecological systems

Salvador, R.J. & V.E.Méndez (Guest Editors) |

Elementa Special Forum. Elementa: science of the anthropocene 3: in progress

Shade tree diversity, carbon sequestration, and epiphyte presence in coffee agroecosystems: a decade of smallholder management in San Ramón, Nicaragua

Goodall, K.E., C.M. Bacon & V.E. Méndez | Download Attachment

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199:200-206

Vermont agricultural resilience in a changing climate: A transdisciplinary and participatory action research (PAR) process

Schattman, R., V.E. Méndez, K. Westdjik, M. Caswell, D. Conner, C. Koliba, A. Zia, S. Hurley, C. Adair, L. Berlin and H. Darby | Download Attachment

pp. 325-346. In N. Benkeblia (Ed.) Agroecology, ecosystems, and sustainability. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis: Boca Raton, FL.

Exlusion nettting for managing spotted wing Drosophila on berry farms in the Northeastern United States.

Schattman, R., V. Izzo, Y.H. Chen | Download Attachment

ARLG Research Brief # 3. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Farmer’s engagement with community food insecurity: approaches, perspectives and implications for Extension

Schattman, R., L. Berlin, F.F. Bochner, & M. Lawrence |

Journal of Extension 53 (4): 4FEA2.


Climate change resilience on Vermont farms: a research report for service providers

Schattman, R.E., H.M. Aitken, V.E. Méndez & M. Caswell | September 25, 2014 |

ARLG Research Brief # 2. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Revisiting the “thin months”- a follow-up study on livelihoods of Mesoamerican coffee farmers.

Caswell, M., V.E. Méndez, M. Baca, P. Läderach, T. Liebig, S. Castro-Tanzi & M. Fernández | September 24, 2014 |

Policy Brief # 19. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT): Cali Colombia.

Revisiting the “thin months”- a follow-up study on livelihoods of Mesoamerican coffee farmers

Caswell, M. Méndez, V. Ernesto Baca, María Läderach, Peter Liebig, T. Castro-Tanzi, S. Fernández, M. | May 1, 2014 | Download Attachment

Policy Brief # 19. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) & Agroecology and Livelihoods Group (ARLG): Cali, Colombia.

Transition from Semi-Confinement to Pasture-Based Dairy in Brazil: Farmers’ View of Economic and Environmental Performances

Alvez, J.P., A.L. Schmitt, J.C. Farley, J.D. Erickson and V.E. Méndez | January 8, 2014 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38(9): 995-1014. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2013.859222

Explaining the ‘hungry farmer paradox’: Smallholders and fair trade cooperatives navigate seasonality and change in Nicaragua’s corn and coffee markets

Bacon, C., W.A. Sundstrom, M.A. Flores-Gomez, V.E. Méndez, R. Santos, B. Goldoftas and I. Dougherty | Download Attachment

Global Environmental Change 25: 133-149

Shade Coffee: Update on a Disappearing Refuge for Biodiversity

Jha, S., C.M. Bacon, S.M. Philpott, V. Ernesto Méndez, P. Läderach and R.A. Rice |

Bioscience 64(5): 416-428. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biu038 pdf

Geographic variation in winter hardiness of a common agricultural pest, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, the Colorado potato beetle

Izzo V.M., D.J. Hawthorne, Y.H. Chen |

Evolutionary Ecology Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 505–520

Geographic variation in winter hardiness of a common agricultural pest, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, the Colorado potato beetle

Victor M. Izzo, D.J. Hawthorne, Y.H. Chen |

Evolutionary Ecology (2014) 28: 505 | doi:10.1007/s10682-013-9681-8

Climate change resilience on Vermont farms: a research report for service providers. ARLG Research Brief # 2.

Schattman, R.E., H.M. Aitken, V.E. Méndez & M. Caswell | Download Attachment

ARLG Research Brief # 2. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Agroecological risk and resilience screening tool: guidance for considering agroecological impact of agriculture interventions and identifying opportunities to build resilience in food systems

Scarborough, G., V.E. Méndez and A. Bisson | Download Attachment

Mercy Corps: Portland, OR.


Agroecología y la transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios: perspectivas transdisciplinares y participativas

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen, S.R. Gliessman & M. Gonzalez de Molina (Guest Editors) | September 14, 2013 |

Monográfico Invitado [Invited Special Issue]. Translated and re-edited Open Access version of the Special Issue published in Agroecology and Sustainable Systems 37 (1), 2013. Agroecología [Spain] 8(2). Read Here.

Agroecology and the transformation of agro-food systems: Transdisciplinary and participatory perspectives

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon and R. Cohen (Guest Editors) | September 18, 2013 |

Invited Special Inaugural Issue of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37(1) (formerly Journal of Sustainable Agriculture; IF: 0.673; R: 23 of 57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary). Read Here.

Seasonal hunger in coffee communities: integrated analysis of livelihoods, agroecology,and food sovereignty with smallholders of Mexico and Nicaragua. Conference Paper # 42

Fernandez, M., V.E. Méndez & C. Bacon | September 14, 2013 |

Food Sovereignty: A critical dialogue. International Conference at Yale University. September 14-15.

Agroecology as a transdisciplinary, participatory, and action-oriented approach.

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon and R. Cohen | January 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37(1): 3-18. doi: 10.1080/10440046.2012.736926

La agroecología como un enfoque transdisciplinar, participativo y orientado a la acción

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon y R. Cohen | January 2, 2013 | Download Attachment

Agroecología 8(2): 9-18.

Agroecología y la transformación del sistema agroalimentario: Perspectivas transdisciplinarias y participativas

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen, S.R. Gliessman and M. Gonzalez de Molina (Editores Invitados) | January 15, 2013 |

Monográfico Especial Invitado. Agroecología (Spain) 8(2).

Agroecology and the transformation of agri-food systems: Transdisciplinary and participatory perspectives

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon and R. Cohen (Guest Editors) | January 9, 2013 |

Inaugural Special Issue of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 37 (1).

Food sovereignty: an alternative paradigm for poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation in Latin America

Chapell, J.H., H. Wittman, C.M. Bacon, B.G. Ferguson, L. García-Barrios, R. García-Barrios, D. Jaffee, J. Lima, V.E. Méndez, H. Morales, L. Soto-Pinto, J. Vandermeer and I. Perfecto | January 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

[v1; ref status: indexed,]. F1000Research 2013, 2: 235.

Identifying, quantifying and classifying agricultural opportunities for land use planning

Erickson, D.L., S.T. Lovell and V.E. Méndez | February 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

Landscape and Urban Planning 118(0): 29-39

Agroecology and Alternative Agri-Food Movements in the United States: Toward a Sustainable Agri-Food System

Fernandez, M., K. Goodall, M. Olson and V.E. Méndez | January 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37(1): 115-126. doi: 10.1080/10440046.2012.735633

Conservación de agrobiodiversidad y medios de vida en cooperativas de café bajo sombra en Centroamérica

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, M. Olson, K.S. Morris and A.K. Shattuck | January 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

Ecosistemas (Spain) 22(1):16-24

‘Los meses flacos’: seasonal food insecurity in a Salvadoran organic coffee farming cooperative

Morris, K.S., V.E. Méndez and M.B. Olson | January 1, 2013 | Download Attachment

Journal of Peasant Studies 40(2): 457-480

Conventional food plot management in an organic coffee cooperative: explaining the paradox

Morris, K.S. Méndez, V.E. Lovell, S.T. Olson, M. | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37(7): 762-787


Food security and smallholder coffee production: current issues and future directions. ARLG Policy Brief # 1.

Caswell, M., V.E. Méndez & C.M. Bacon | September 26, 2012 | Download Attachment

Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Vermont farm resilience in a changing climate: survey of Vermont agricultural service providers. ARLG Research Brief # 1

Schattman, R., V.E. Méndez & K.E. Westdijk | September 21, 2012 |

Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Cultivation of maize landraces by small-scale shade coffee farmers in western El Salvador

Olson, M.B., K.S. Morris and V.E. Méndez | Download Attachment

Agricultural Systems 111: 63-74. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2012.05.005


Prioritizing food security and livelihoods in climate change mitigation mechanisms: experiences and opportunities for smallholder coffee agroforestry, forest communities and REDD+

Davis, A. and V.E. Méndez | September 30, 2011 |

Policy Brief. Salvadoran Research Program on Development and Environment (PRISMA): San Salvador, El Salvador.


Effects of Fair Trade and organic certifications on small-scale coffee farmer households in Central America and Mexico

Méndez V.E., Bacon C., Olson M., Petchers S., Herrador D., Carranza C., Trujillo L., Guadarrama-Zugasti C., Cordón A., Mendoza A. | Download Attachment

Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 25 (3):236-251


Méndez, V.E. | Download Attachment

pp. 55-59. In B. Warf (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Geography. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Agrobiodiversity and Shade Coffee Smallholder Livelihoods: A Review and Synthesis of Ten Years of Research in Central America

Méndez, V.E., C.M. Bacon, M. Olson, K. S. Morris & A. Shattuck | September 24, 2010 | Download Attachment

Invited Article for a Special Focus Section on Geographic Contributions to Agrobiodiversity Research. Professional Geographer 62(3):357-376 (IF: 1.206; R: 28 of 73 in Geography; TC: 8).

Integrating agroecology and landscape multifunctionality in Vermont: a framework to evaluate the design of agroecosystems

Lovell, S.T., S. Desantis, C.A. Nathan, M.B. Olson, V.E. Méndez, H.C. Kominami, D.L. Erickson, K.S. Morris, and W.B. Morris | September 22, 2010 |

Agricultural Systems 103:327-341 (IF: 2.899; R: 2 of 57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary; TC: 12).


Cooperative management and its effects on shade tree diversity, soil properties and ecosystem services of coffee plantations in western El Salvador

Méndez, V.E., E.N. Shapiro, and G.S. Gilbert | September 5, 2009 |

Selected for a Special Issue on Agroforestry for Ecosystem Services and Environmental Benefits. Agroforestry Systems 76 (1):111-126 (IF: 1.378; R: 31 of 79 in Agronomy; TC: 11).


Are sustainable coffee certifications enough to secure farmer livelihoods? the millenium development goals and Nicaragua’s Fair Trade cooperatives

Bacon, C.M., V.E. Méndez, M.E. Flores, D. Stuart & S.R. Díaz | September 12, 2008 |

Globalizations 5 (2): 259-274 (IF: 0.468; R: 56 of 89 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; TC: 42).

Confronting the coffee crisis: Fair Trade, sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems in Mexico and Central America

Bacon, C.M., V. E. Méndez, S.R. Gliessman, D. Goodman & J. A. Fox (eds.) | September 26, 2008 |

Food, Health and the Environment Series. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.  

Will “we” achieve the millenium development goals with small-scale coffee growers and their cooperatives? a case study evaluating Fair Trade and organic coffee networks in northern Nicaragua

Bacon, C., V.E. Méndez, M.E. Flores & M. Brown | September 23, 2008 |

Center Research Brief # 12. Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.  University of California: Santa Cruz, CA, USA.

Agroecology, a next step in sustainable coffee

Bacon, C. M., E. Whitlow-Inman & V.E. Méndez | September 21, 2006 |

Fresh Cup, February: 82-87.


Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador

Méndez, V. E., S.R. Gliessman, and G.S. Gilbert | September 20, 2007 |

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119(1-2):145-159 (IF: 3.004; R: 1 of 57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary; TC: 35).

Agroecología: promoviendo una transición hacia la sostenibilidad (Agroecology: promoting a transition towards sustainability)

Gliessman, S. R., F. Rosado-May, C. Guadarrama-Zugasti, J. Jedlicka, A. Cohn, V. E. Méndez, R. Cohen, L. Trujillo, C. Bacon & R. Jaffe | September 12, 2007 |

Ecosistemas (Spain) 16(1): 13-28 (TC:18).


Ecological processes and farmer livelihoods in shaded coffee production.

Méndez, V. E. & C. Bacon | September 1, 2006 |

Invited Article. LEISA (The Netherlands) 22(4): 22-23.

Sustainable coffee from the bottom-up: impacts of certification initiatives on small-scale farmer and estate worker households and communities in Central America and Mexico

Méndez, V. E., C. Bacon, S. Petchers, D. Herrador, C. Carranza, L. Trujillo, C. Guadarrama-Zugasti, A. Cordón & A. Mendoza | September 20, 2006 |

Research Report. Oxfam America: Boston, MA.


Medios de vida y conservación de la biodiversidad arbórea: las experiencias de las cooperativas cafetaleras en El Salvador y Nicaragua (Livelihoods and conservation of tree biodiversity: experiences in coffee cooperatives of El Salvador and Nicaragua)

Méndez, V.E. & C. Bacon | September 22, 2005 |

LEISA Revista de Agroecología (Peru) 20(4): 27-30.

Asociación de comunidades forestales de Petén, Guatemala: contexto, logros y desafíos (Association of forestry communities of Petén, Guatemala: context, accomplishments & challenges)

Gómez, I. & V. E. Méndez | September 29, 2005 |

PRISMA: San Salvador, El Salvador.

Participatory action-research and support for community development and conservation: Examples from shade coffee landscapes of El Salvador and Nicaragua. Center Research Brief # 6

Bacon, C., V.E. Méndez & M. Brown | September 25, 2005 |

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. University of California: Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Available online:


Qu’est-ce que l’agroecologie?(What is agroecology?)

Gliessman, S. R., C. Bacon, R. Cohen, C. Guadarrama-Zugasti, L. Trujillo & V. E. Méndez | September 16, 2004 |

l’ Ecologiste (French edition of the Ecologist) 5 (3):27-29.


Tendencias y perspectivas del sector forestal en El Salvador del siglo XX (Tendencies and perspectives of the forestry sector in El Salvador for the 21st century)

Cuéllar, N., V.E. Méndez, S. Larios & L. Dimas | September 20, 2003 |

FAO/MAG: San Salvador, El Salvador.


Un enfoque interdisciplinario para la investigación en agroecología y desarrollo rural en el trópico Latinoamericano (An interdisciplinary approach for research in agroecology and rural development in the Latin American tropics)

Méndez, V.E. & S.R. Gliessman | September 26, 2002 |

Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología (Costa Rica) 64: 5-16 (TC: 30).

Fair trade networks in two coffee cooperatives of western El Salvador: an analysis of insertion through a second level organization

Méndez, V. E. | September 11, 2002 |

Case Study for the Project on “Poverty Alleviation Through Participation in Fair Trade Networks”. Colorado State University/Ford Foundation: Ft. Collins, CO, USA. Available on-line:

Café con sombra y pago por servicios ambientales: riesgos y oportunidades para impulsar mecanismos con pequeños agricultores de El Salvador (Shade coffee and payment for environmental services: risks and opportunities to foster mechanisms with small-scale farmers in El Salvador

Méndez, V. E., D. Herrador, L. Dimas, M. Escalante, O. Diaz & M. Garcia | September 20, 2002 |

Estudio de Caso para El Proyecto “Pago por Servicios Ambientales en las Américas” PRISMA/Fundacion FORD: San Salvador, El Salvador.

Pago por servicios ambientales en El Salvador: oportunidades y riesgos para pequeños agricultores y comunidades rurales (Payment for environmental services in El Salvador: opportunities and risks for small-scale farmers and rural communities)

Herrador, D., L. A. Dimas & V. E. Méndez | September 20, 2002 |

PRISMA: San Salvador, El Salvador.


Interdisciplinary analysis of homegardens in Nicaragua: micro-zonation, plant use and socioeconomic importance

Méndez V.E., R. Lok & E. Somarriba | September 20, 2001 |

Agroforestry Systems 51(2): 85-96 (IF: 1.378; R: 31 of 79 in Agronomy; TC: 92).


El proceso agroforestal participativo en Valle de Risco, Bocas del Toro (The participatory agroforestry process in Valle de Risco, Bocas del Toro)

Calvo, G., V.E. Méndez & M. Ortiz | September 21, 1999 |

Agroforestería en las Américas (Costa Rica) 6(21): 17-19.

Caracterización de la comunidad Ngöbe de Valle de Risco, Bocas del Toro, Panamá (Characterization of the Ngöbe community of Valle de Risco, Bocas del Toro, Panamá)

Méndez, E., G. Calvo & M. Ortiz | September 8, 1999 |

Revista Forestal Centroamericana (Costa Rica) 28: 32-36.


Refrigerated controlled atmosphere storage during marine shipment on insect mortality and cut flower vase life

Shelton M.D., V.R. Walters, D. Brandl & V.E. Méndez | September 6, 1996 |

HortTechnology (U.S.A.) 6(3): 247-250.

Analisis agroecologico de huertos caseros tradicionales en Nicaragua (Agroecological analysis of traditional homegardens in Nicaragua).

Méndez, E. & R. Lok | January 1, 1996 | Download Attachment